Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting to Know Brittany

1. Why were you given your particular name?

My parents already had a boy name picked out (Jamie) but could not decide on a girl name. Close to before I was born, my mom was reading in a book and saw the name Brittany and loved it. My middle name is Lucille, from my mom's mother. I hated it when I was a kid, but now I love it.

2. What is your favorite thing to do?

EAT!!! I loooove trying new restaurants. I also love to travel--but not fly so much...

3. What is your favorite food?

I might have to go with Italian--love me some pasta!

4. What is your favorite book?

I actually love The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I have read that one several times and it never gets old for me.

5. What is your favorite kind of music?

Depends on my mood or activity. Some examples: a mix of angry female country (i.e. you cheated on me and then I killed you) and Lincoln Park for when I workout. I'm not gonna lie, I enjoy a classec Prince song while driving somewhere completely alone and I can turn it up and try to sing as high as he can.

6. When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do?

Read, get online, call a friend/family memeber, or finally sit and catch up on my guilty pleasure tv (any real housewives shoe)

7. What is your favorite candy bar?


8. What place would you like to visit?

France for sure. I also think Australia would be fun.

9. What are three adjectives which describe you?

spontaneous, deceptively intelligent, tired

10. What do you want to be doing in ten years?

Possibly teaching again--I really loved it. And preparing for an awesome trip somewhere--without the kids!


  1. My thoughts on your getting to know you!

    3. I could have sworn you would have said STEAK, anywhere anytime..haha!

    5. I could totally see you singing Prince while driving alone or with the kids too!

    8. France was a total let down for me, might just be me though. I would LOVE to go to Australia also.

    9. I love the "deceptively intelligent" description! Thats great!

  2. The whole time I was writing the answer to the favorite food question, my brain kept yelling STEAK! STEAK! haha
